9/11 day

It seems particularly weird to have partied on 9/11, right after New Orleans sunk below the sea.

I can’t let the day go by without paraphrasing our great leader, GW, as he spoke to Michael Brownie, saying back to Bush, “You’re doing a heck of a job, Georgie.”

Seriously, imagine how much more fucked up it would have been today if Al Gore had one. I mean, think about that. We would likely not be in a quagmire of a war in Iraq, since bookish, nerdy Al likely would have known that Saddam wasn’t responsible for 9/11.

He might have even tried economic policies and diplomacy, since he, of course, was a pansy-weak intellectual.

And, that Al and his wonkish book learning, not to mention cry-baby bellyaching about the environment, he might actually have made sure that the watershed surrounding New Orleans was maintained to help in flood control by limiting river re-routing and development. Such a party pooper, Al Gore. Maybe he would have signed off on some cash to fix the levees too, since he’s an obvious tool.

Yup, it would really suck. I bet he even would have been Washington insider enough to follow the example of that other asshole Democrat Bill Clinton and appoint a head of FEMA with relevant fucking experience. Gore and Clinton fucked up so many things by using the experience of experts. Only the unimaginative and over-educated rely on qualified advice over gut instinct.

Yeah, you’re doing a heck of a job, Georgie.

Talk with me. Please.

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