Ain’t much to complain about so I’m keeping it light.
Good old M. has a halo of protection in this relationship. Mostly it’s protection from me.
An incredible blue-skied day yesterday–our town reputed for fog above all else delivers sun in October–found us walking along the beach. Apropos nothing I remember, I tapped him on the ass as we strolled along.
“Hey, that’s sexist. Whacking a man in the hiney like that. Your sexist.”
I heard it, but since the voice was behind us on the walkway, I assumed it was two people talking. Though, I was intrigued and slowed a bit. I had to see the voice’s face.
“You’re sexist. I saw that slapping a man like that.”
We caught each other’s eyes. I smiled in recognition. He meant me.
Once again, the cosmos and fellow humans had saved M. From me.
Over my shoulder, I replied, “it’s not the first time, and probably won’t be the last.”