A Public Service Announcement for Tim Fitzgerald

California is fucking awesome. Awesome. I’m reading through the bios and whatnot of the mayoral candidates for the City of San Jose. I’m learning to love this the Golden State and its political collection of nutjobs.

(On a wacky sidenote, I get to vote for Jerry Brown for something if I feel like it.)

Anyway, while perusing the League of Women Voters’ Smart Voter info site for my new city and my ‘hood, I came across this essay, “A candid assesment of the Mayor’s race, its ethics and conduct,” by mayoral candidate Timothy K. Fitzgerald. It’s so good, I quote it in its entirety.

About the Race

By Timothy K. Fitzgerald

Candidate for Mayor; City of San Jose

This information is provided by the candidate

A candid assesment of the Mayor’s race, its ethics and conduct.

Let me lay this on you… I have recently been detained at Valley Medical Pshyic Ward after an illegal detention of 10 days. I am, as a matter of record disabled and subject to medical oversight for the last 25 years. It is benign and incidental, under normal life circumstances. Appartently these are not normal times, and I am not the average guy on the street… I committed no crime, I came seeking help. I was rebuffed by the Psychiarist charged with giving Counsel to the Public in need. I was passed on to a Social Worker who refused to accomodate meand had armed City police escort me into detention with no charges profered – not even a 51/50. “THESE ARE TIMES THAT TRY MEAN’S SOULS. WHEN THE SUMMER SOLDIER AND SUNSHINE PATRIOT SHRINK FROM THE SERVICE OF THEIR COUINTRY.” So said Thomas Paine at the depths of the Revolutin while Washington awaited his opportunity at Valley Forge…NO LESS A CRISIS IS AT OUR DOORSTEP THIS VERY DAY. “Tyranny like hell…” Went on Mr. Paine, And like they say in BOard and Care facilities through out this fine City, “I’ve already done my time in Hell.” (GOd save the Wjueen.) In 1970, when this nation faced certain crisis overseas, and terror at home, WHEN FOUR STUDENTS WERE GUNNED DOWN ON THEIR SANCTUARY, at Kent State, Ohio; Police Thugs dressed as ‘plain clothsmen’ blocked off nearby Fifth Street on both ends, and under orders of Polioe Chief Ray Blackmore, ruthlessly beat 500 marching students for singing “All we are asking, is give Peace a Chance..” Praise the Lord. We lost the movement in the 1960’s, because we lost our LEADERSHIP !! Because the FBI or the CIA or whoever gunned down Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, jr, Bobby Kennedy, and the Black Panthers on the West Side of Chicago. RISE UP AMERICA !!Take the God given Right of Self-Governance held in our covenant with God in the Declaration of Independence and OVER THROW THIS TYRANNY !! I cry out like a voice crying in the wilderness – like John The Babtist, or Samson, in times of turbulance. HERE MY PLEA !! While I was detained these last ten days, I was withouit funds, I had to beg to place so much as aphone call. The Establishment Bureacrats bent on swinging the elction to my opponents mocked and teased me in locked facilities, Saying “THis is Victory !! Look at the Candiate for Mayor… I am the brightest person in the City.” (They screamed one night in a loud voice that couild be heard across the faicility. This is the most unethical election dressed in the finery of a white coat I( have ever seen in the City in all my 60 years – and I’ve watched some pretty ugly contests… By what measure, by what logic, does raising the most finances for campaigns become the leading candiatee in the polls?? Perhaps like me, the candidate with the least funds would, in the end, make the most competent Mayor…Does fund raising measure the competance to hold office?? By what right does the Mercury News arbitarily cut off the Main Candidates they cover at ‘five’ – instead of six or seven – or the full ten scheduled to appear on the ballot in June?? Friends, just how long has the Press in this county dictated the reasoning of our Conscience?? If this country is to be saved from its path toward certain totalitarianism in Washington, YOU, the citizens before me…the Men and Women of San Jose, must RISE UP, stnad for your sacrid values and beliefs, Organize telephone trees, Open House Coffees, and corner conversations; and as Bobbie Seale said in the dark days of the 60’s “Seize the Time” as God has given you the time – So help you GOD> THIS TIS TYRANNY !! OUr fundamental RIGHTS of Freedom of Speach and Assembly, our time honored practice of a Petition of Greivances, has been appended, and we are defrauded of our right to self governemt. Nothing less is at stake in this election. ARE WE A FREE PEOPLE, OR HAVE WE BECOME OPPRESSED AND LACKIES OF THE OPPRESSOR.
tim K Fitzgerald

One thought on “A Public Service Announcement for Tim Fitzgerald

  1. dot dwyer

    Let us not forget , Rose Kennedy, the mother of the former President , John F and his brother , also a presidential candidate , Robert-who were both slain by guns, well, her maiden name was “Fitzgerald”. Coincidence ? I think not !


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