Almost 5 May

Someone at work told me that “we” are supposed to be boycotting Cinqo de Mayo tomorrow. She was being ironic or funny with her “we” (I hope). “We” are Americans, I think.

Apparently, because them people, who when the rhetoric starts flowing sound all dirty and tricky and shifty-eyed, you know, they are protesting. Yeah, that will show them. Just like boycotting Saint Patty’s got the Irish to stop applying.

For the life of me, I can’t hear all the Lou Dobbs or whoever angry anti-immigrant white guy of the minute shouting on TV without thinking of all of the other dirty, horrible immigrants who ruined this country. You know, “Irish need not apply,” Japanese internment camps, the Chinese Exclusion Act. (OK, sometimes I have a warm, fuzzy spot over that last one. But, what would I be up to if it were the Exclusion Act of 1982, when a certain someone was gearing up to someday live all American dreamy.)

I guess the good news is you can know longer get away easily with the whole burning the foreigner part of town or slaying a bunch of the unwanted visitors.

Right now, I share my bed with a nationalized citizen, and another one gave me my job. So, maybe I’m a bit open minded on the topic. Or, maybe I just like ethnic restaurants more than most.

4 thoughts on “Almost 5 May

  1. Freemblap

    We’re a country of immigrants no doubt. But if your status is preceded by the word “illegal” well….

    I think it’s an insult to your bedmate and employer and anyone else that went through due process for someone else to be allowed to circumvent the whole she-bang in the name of cheap labor.

    If people with turbans we’re hopping borders, I don’t think it would go over so great,(just a hunch) but the rich whiteys that run corporations such as WalMart welcome anyone that will work for cheap cheap regardless of their status.

    So any politician or businessman that claims freedom for all is just another fleecer as far as I’m concerned.

    Hey! All you dumb college girls: There will be a boycott of Cancun this year to show Mexico what it would be like without Girls Gone Wild.

    Yes and the shithead frat boys shant be eating the worm. Sure, date rape will be down this year, but so will Tequila sales.

    To Lauderdale! Let the protest chant begin.

    What do we want?
    Legal Mexicans that look like Salma Hayek!
    When do we want ’em?

  2. Dee-Rob

    Only, no, it’s not an insult. For the employer, she absolutely agrees with me. Not only was she in support of Monday’s protests, she’s a political scientist whose massively interested in rhetoric and changing public perception to get facts not smoke and mirrors.

    She also is fairly expert in ways that first world economies fuck with the third world. Something ain’t right with what Walmart, etc. are doing, but it’s all not as simple as it’s made out, and there are a whole lot of positives for the U.S. that get left out.

    There is a very nasty, racist, anti-Mexican message underlining what we get on the news. For every “wetback” story, there are more stories, never reported of “desirables.” Ths law will affect the people who contribute much more than the small minority who drain the system. Even the Asians.

    It doesn’t insult the man, because he lived the gray period that come to find out is not ucommon for a lot of now legal immigrants. He was for a time illegal. So was another chick at work, who if you look at her you’d have a hard time reconciling her poise, education and sophistication with the images we’re being fed. Same with this cool saxophone player I knew a million years ago.

    We’re moving toward a system like Europe’s, so get ready for institutionalized racism worse than our own and flaming cars from a disgruntled underclass.

  3. dotdwyer

    If it weren’t for green card marriages, my paternal grand parents wouldn’t have married.As is the tradition of my family , I will green card one marry one of the kids at work. . . as soon as he stops vomiting at the prospect. . .There! Did I bring the topic down to the lowest level ? . . Sorry, I’m trying .


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