California boy by a landslide (or mudslide)

In August, I posted the results of the poll as to whether should move to California.

To refresh, I ended the poll at 100 votes and 83 percent of the reading public voted that I should leave. (I like to perversely ponder that there are 83 people who want me the fuck out of their town and/or state and/or general vicinity.)

Today, the M. Poll has hit 100 voters. The results are:

M. goes East/M. stays West
100 votes

Should the amazing M. come on back to be feted at his return?
5 %
5 votes

Should M. keep his Cali mellow and stay in the Golden West?
95 %
95 votes

In opposition (or maybe that’s aposition, but who the fuck cares), I like to non-perversely ponder that M. knows 95 people who either recognize where he belongs or want him to stay in their physical proximity.

Since we both tend to worry that decisions are right and good and mutually beneficial, maybe this survey provides a little background data on how things should work out. Clearly, there is a mandate for him to stay in California. As for me, it’s less of a mandate that I should move, but it’s hardly the kind of poll numbers that would require a rigging of the numbers.

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