I fucking hate these guys.
The down side of M.’s visit is his love for watching CNN and Fox News. He doesn’t watch Fox for content, but to see what’s up with the opposition and how low they can go.
As a result, I went to sleep last night absolutely indignant after listening to lies and more lies. By the way, I know other people have said it, but isn’t Alan Colmes the most pathetic, douche-y weenie of a Democrat? I feel bad every time he speaks. It’s like watching a Lifetime Television movie, and you just know he’s the pledge that’s going to get sodomized by the entire frat and die in a trunk, because he still things the frat guys are OK and good friends.
Of these alledged “truth-telling” vets, only one of them actually served with Kerry on a swift boat. That guy wasn’t in Vietnam, though, when the shit happened that they say didn’t. And, John fucking O’Neill, who wrote the book behind the swing-state commercial and who Fox is blowing 24/7, has a fine heritage of Kerry-baiting dating back to Nixon and the Vietnam War. Yeah, he’s a fucking credible, bitter, old dude. Good to see there are still hawks willing to be the standard bearers of the rightness and justice of Vietnam. History has shown them to be on top, right?
And, how fucking cynical is it to say that on Kerry’s war record there were lies and distortions that can’t be trusted throughout all of the reporting? Let me get this straight, swifty vet guys, Kerry was able to manipulate reports for his own selfish gain of medals during his service with the U.S. Navy, right? If that’s true, aren’t you saying that the Navy and its reports can’t be trusted? Is that really what you want to say, just so you can say Kerry sucks?
Fucking idiots.
If you want to read some of the patterns of lies and get a handle on the disinformation of the right wing, check out disinfopedia.org and eriposte.com’s “Swift Boat Veterans for “Truth” v. The Truth.”
Meanwhile, I’m going to find the nearest person named either Sean or Hannity and kick him in the nuts.