Yay, GW, for not choking on the tribute to Nancy Pelosi. I know it must have killed you inside, big guy, inside deep like where boys hide their tears.
It fucking kills me that a huge chunk of the post-game on the State of the Union is how well Bush did. Yup, it’s all good and well done, if the main quality you expect from a leader is just ridiculous piles of rhetorical crap.
If you’re rocking trillions in debt, trillions you fucking caused after inheriting a surplus, how can you start leading into the thing with “…To extend this nation’s prosperity … to spend the people’s money wisely … to solve problems, not leave them to future generations …” Come on, Big President Dude, you mortgaged it all.
I swear to GOD, Dick Cheney smirked, like, “Yeah, right,” when the pres said he’d cut the deficit without raising taxes.
I will give Bush a true A+++ on his stunning ability to stay on course on conflating Iraq, Afghanistan and terrorism. And, for keeping the whole 9/11 thing alive. How long can you milk that? Oh, right, pretty much eight years, it looks like.
Yep, Iraq was going to kill us, we did what we had to do. Despite all evidence to the contrary. Now we’re in it, we’re staying, because nothing says “success” like desperate floundering, civil war and angry martyrs. Oh, and dead kids in the military.
Other than that, it’s great to see old Nancy presiding. But, I feel kind of bad for her. Sitting there next to Cheney must kind of suck. And, now, she knows she’s on camera the whole time, right there peeking over a presidential left shoulder. So, you know, she’s thinking about baseball or something so she ain’t fidgeting and throwing him the bird behind his head.
She’s great at counterpoint clapping, though. Rock on, Nancy.
Gotta love the protests, but I can do without the likes of Sean Penn saying “WE won’t vote for…”
Please don’t speak for the left. And tell Clooney and Sarandon, Streisand etc… that if you wanna help, STAY THE FUCK HOME!
You can’t influence an election. Fuck, half of you can’t even influence a moviegoer.
They should have learned something in 04.
But Clooney is handsome and I’d fuck him. oops.