We bought one of those shitty throw away cameras, when I was too much of a dumb shit to have remembered my real one.
McAfee Coliseum before sundown.
More importantly, here’s M. in the stands being entertained after eating tasty Coliseum food.
More pictures are here, Baseball, June 04, 2007.
Unrelatedly, randomly and amusingly, this picture just showed up on the CD we got from Walgreen’s with the developing of the pictures. Not sure if it’s from the roll, somewhere embedded by FujiFilm, or a bonus Walgreen’s tosses to you.
Hello, stranger girl of unknown origin.
ooohhh, that’s kind of creepy ! Like Robin WIlliams in “One Hour Photo” creepy . .. but in reverse, because now you can plaster pictures of her all around the house and she’ll never know ! OR, she likes M (who doesn’t?) and she thought he would enjoy a pciture of herself. Ahhhh, the script possibilities … .
I wonder if I’ll see her coming out of our neighborhood Walgreen’s.
Or maybe she’s on every camera.
I really thought the Oakland Colossium would have higher decks in the top rows.
and why hasnt it got a satelite dish like downtown kinshasa
surely the residents of oakland need entertainment of the highest order