Being poor sucks

I heard a radio news brief thingie that said Mitt Romney, searching for new ways to cut spending, is reviewing who gets legal aid and setting thresholds. Here’s a newspaper article about it (Incidentally, The Cape Cod Times is Massachusetts’ newspaper of record).

So, you’re a mom barely getting by who indulges in a little basic cable to calm the kiddies while you’re cooking dinner? Guess what, Sunshine, you ain’t poor, you can afford a lawyer. Fuck you leeching off the system, we know that you have the cash to pay for your own damn legal representation, we see you watching Lifetime. Oh, and tell your 80-year-old mom, she’s a parasite too. What with the pack and a half of Basic smokes you know she’s living pretty fucking high on the hog.

Shit, I ain’t poor, and I’m not sure I can afford a good lawyer.

So, how in the fucking world is Massachusetts maintaining it’s old school rep as tax-and-spend, liberal welfare state. You know that’s coming up to haunt Kerry, and it’s a goddamned, dirty lie.

Get us, U.S., we Republican now.

By the way, I can’t think of Mitt without thinking of his underwear. The Mormons have their own undies.For me, the ceremony where they give you ‘wears and tell you it’s for keeping holy, right about then I’d be think “Yeah, right, holy underwear. Sure. That makes sense.” But Mitt must be down with it, right? Under them expensive businessman suits, holy long johns. I prefer a politician in boxer briefs or maybe even tighty whiteys.

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