I’m simultaneously happy and disappointed with McDonald’s. I finally got a fun Happy Meal toy. It’s a little “Lilo” of Lilo and Stitch. The fun part is the Play-doh that comes with it. (As an aside, George Foreman has a Play-doh grill with sizzling sound. I love him.) Anyway, the Play-doh extrudes from around Lilo’s waist creating a circle of Play-doh strap-ons.
I’m disappointed, however, that McDonald’s does not appear to have pictures of their Happy Meals on their website, as they used to, so I can’t share Lilo’s porntastic Play-doh effect with the world.
On a bright note, they do have all sorts of bullshit information on how eating McDonald’s can be part of a healthy diet.
Maybe I’m just jaded on Play-doh, because as a kid one of my favorite toys was the Funny Pumper. I would sit on the floor extruding for hours as the adults around me snickered at my industry. Only later, as an adult, did I come to appreciate the humor in extrusion.