'Blog shit and nothing much

So last night I successfully upgraded this part of the website to WordPress 1.5. Then, while playing with the changed features and trying to make my site look like it used to, I broke it several times.

So far, it seems pretty cool. I checked it across browsers and with PC and Mac and so far so good.

Other than that, I’m continuing to hyperventilate that I won’t get all of my shit together. My emotional response whenever I feel overwhelmed is almost complete and total inaction. I sit and do nothing and curse my lazy, fat ass.

Now that I’ve told everyone I know I’m going, though, I guess I’ll just have to get my shit together.

For now, I’ll hold in my head the image of my mother not killing my sister over one of her many moves. Since adulthood, my sister has had the most wanderlust of anyone in the family, relocating at various times to several different states and jobs and adventures. After helping with packing or moving or whatnot one time too many, my mother decided to pony up the change for professionals to grunt through the heavy lifting.

Nonetheless, there were last minute details and goodbyes, so Pat and I hauled up to NH to help out. We arrived to find a whole lot of stuff left unpacked, my sister hovering over various piles and a group of men waiting to lug boxes to their truck. In the end, accompanied by a dense and constant harangue from Pat (which, thankfully, I am spared) and, I’m sure, more than a few expletives on my part, the stuff got out of her condo and on the road.

If order was eventually made from that chaos, there is a pinhole light of hope for me.

Talk with me. Please.

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