
Halloween and Daylight’s savings begins or ends or whatever happens when you get your robbed hour back. It’s a two-fer holiday. So far, only one porchful of begging youth. I hope there are more and some actual children in costume.

Other than that, I’ve been customizing this layout and thinking about how I want it to look. I haven’t decided. The only thing I know for sure is that all of the content and pics should be original and created by yours truly. Right now, the background tiling is from Photoshopping a stonewall from a photo I took in the Ukraine. And the banner, subject to change, is sunset of the Grand Tetons, which I snapped after making my sister stop the car way out west.

On the trick or treat front, I just had my wish above granted — Some actual little, little kids with cute costumes. The little Robin boy was very cute, but unfortunately I don’t think anyone can pull of the Robin sans Batman look without appearing uber-homo. Actually, I guess Robin is more gay with Batman.

Speaking of gay things, I really hate seeing teenage boys in drag on Halloween. There was some kid working at K-Mart when I went to buy candy all trannied out. I don’t think I hate the drag costume, because of a homophobic, anti-queen, transvestite streak. I think it’s the opposite. Suspicion that the drag boys of Halloween are all future (or present) frat boys who think their homophia is awfully adorable. The closet frat boys are all probably dressed like construction workers or bikers.

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