Boyfriend's say the darndest things…

This post is an inside joke and who knows if the inside jokee will read it. But, it’s been a while since I’ve used this website to be nauseatingly cute with my boyo.

The bright side of my doing so, however is that it is Friday night. So, my bored friends with office jobs, such as the one whose name rhymes with Biz, will not be reading in the morning at work. Thus, they will not start the day vomiting coffee because of my treacly bad self.

On top of M. offering a quick line (see above), I’m feeling very Sally Field. Not, embarrassing, I slept with Burt Reynolds Sally, but the one who won some Oscars and an Emmy and shit. “You like me, you really like me.”

Guess I had a pretty good week of catching up with people I’d like to call friends (and who would probably let me.) Nothing like planning a move cross country to actually motivate you and other people to actually do shit together.

Other than that, I’m just feeling warm all over because I got the Harvey Double Hungs all around me. It dawned on me this week (as the temperatures have hovered around 10 degrees Fahrenheit) that I ain’t never lived in a place with insulation and good windows all at the same time. I’m used to the sound of glass rattling in the panes and wood shaking everywhere.

Now’s all I got to worry about is the CO coming up from the heater and strangling the life out of me.

Talk with me. Please.

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