Buckle up, these are scary times

How fucked up is it that here in 2008 where I live (not 1982) the news is full to the brim with crashing markets, failing banks and federal bailouts, not to mention old people protesting to have enough juice to fire up their oxygen machines? Still and all, this election is CLOSE, statistically too close to call. And, folks are still talking tax cuts and a very, very, very expensive war (both in dollars and pointless, indefensible deaths).

Worse yet, the fucking homeowner of the place on which we put an offer hasn’t quite sorted out her house was listed too high for the market and the coming fiscal Armageddon. Maybe she’ll realize our offer, coming as it is from two employed, loan-qualified worker bees with actual cash money in the bank, is fine and dandy and come back to us.

But for now, the search, still down by the beach, goes on.

Talk with me. Please.

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