Some of you might know, because I bragged about it, that I was one of the earliest adopters of the iPhone. Would have been earlier if I still lived on the other coast. (Although, who knows, that East Coast me might have bailed on it.)
Anywho, with the price drop, I’m philosophical. I can afford a $600 phone. No one suffered or died, no bills went unpaid, blah fucking blah.
I am, to the core, my mother’s daughter, though. I knows me the value of a dollar or a dime or two. I bought the toy with American Express, and for me, and a whole slew of other nerds and poseurs, the card of membership privilege is looking into whether they’re going to afford me some buyer protection. They might credit me up the 2 bills I’m missing.
Otherwise, I was planning to buy Leopard, the revamp of Mac’s operating system, when it comes out next month. I guess the promised face-saving by Steve Jobs credit will make that a wash.
Technorati Tags: Apple, iPhone, money, Steve Jobs