Apart from tanning and seeing like every old friend I’ve ever had, I’ve been thinking about my next career.
I figure administration is right the fuck out, since, well, it has kind of a, how would you describe it? Oh yeah, a rather bitter taste.
M., the newly minted American entrepreneur, has a few great leads on some technological kind of jobs, which, who knows, when I’m done tanning I might network and BS my way into. And, there’s all the shit I think I could freelance.
However, above all things, I have a brand new role model and calling in life. I now worship at the career doorstep of Dog, the Bounty Hunter.
Looks like all you need to be a bounty hunter are cell phones, ’80s pro-wrestling, camo fatigue, cut-off fashion style, some paperwork, questionable hair-dye and hair-growth useage and some badass attitude. I got the attitude, baby, I am tough as nails and intimidating as all hell. I mean, if it weren’t for my fearsomeness I’d be employed right now, right?
So, I am so there. Yeah, scumbags of the world watchout, I’m collecting on your bail bond and getting you thrown in the hoosgow, or however it fucking works. I’ll have to do a little reading.
I’m off to a strong start acing this quiz as a “Top Dog.” Rock on, I’m Dog’s newest disciple. Woof.
Well, all things considered you are better off than Ashton Kutcher, he is suffering from balding fears. And he is in his 20s. And he depends on his looks to bring home the bacon/cheese. Yes you do have looks as well but you are two decades, as I am also, ahead of him and still is dashing. And I still have hair and muscle tone. And tan. http://www.sfgate.com/columnists/dailydish/