Tonight, maybe inspired by some very tasty magaritas and chile-rich food, I was burning for adventure. A quick flip through the local free paper (which I’m pretty sure are mandatory in any city), and I saw some bar featuring “Comedy Night” on Monday night.
I says to myself, “Self, you’ve done some comedy, you should check out the local action.” I donned my Gortex-lined hiking boots aiming to hike on downtown (maps telling me a mere mile’s journey).
I walked into a friggin’ blizzard, and cursed as I am with no sense of direction, I wandered blindly. An hour or so later, I managed to never find the bar, but I saw the beauty of night snow falling around the backroads of Santa Fe.
Eventually, I found a liquor store that sold batteries, reloaded the power on my handheld GPS and defeated and dejected tromped back to the hotel for a hot shower.
The question is: Was it a cosmic force keeping me from a comedy scene, while I’m busy enjoying life? Or, was it just another fucking snowstorm in a seemingly endless winter?
One last thing, just to keep those cosmic whammies at bay, today, 3/15, would be my mother’s birthday. I can only imagine what Pat would say about my trip.
And, I know that what she would say and how she would feel would quite likely be contradictory. On the one hand, she would tell me to my face that I was being crazy and risky (only it would be through some wickedly pointed wisecrack).
But, I think deep down, in that weird secret smile kind of non-conformist space she occupied, I think she’d be proud. Mostly proud that I managed to avoid a complete and total royal reaming from my former employer, thanks to a lawyer and some cards close to my own vest. And, proud that I’m picking myself up, dusting off and doing something new.
Of course, there is no actual way to know what she would think of the man in whose direction I’m heading. But, I’ll slip out on this limb and say that I think she’d be OK with it. Apart from anxiety of race and culture, I believe she would like him. Ultimately, her only gauge might be if he treats me well. And, for the most part, he does. (Note the qualification, if your initial is “M” and you’re reading this post. There’s always room for improvement in this life.)
Fortunately, I guess, my sister has taken on the role of excessive worrier teetering on the edge of complete insult. When I first learned to drive, Pat would point out every tree bush or grassy knoll (including manicured shrubbery adjoining front porches far from the road) and advised me not to hit them. My sis has been helping in the same vein, especially as it pertains to whether or not I should drive in any level of snow.
So, with the spirit of the road, and the spirit of adventure of which Pat would probably be a bit envious, Happy Birthday to her soul, her spirit or, in the secular world, memories of her.
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