Unrelated to physical travel, but completely related to mental separation, Jesus God, am I happy to be away from Boston Comedy.
Not my friends, mind you, who I am very happy to know and to have heard from since I’ve been gone. And, there were some seriously cool connections in my last days in Boston.
I mean the dinks. Like the ones who have sent some shit to Kathy Madigan’s website with my now dead email. Fucking idiots apparently don’t realize that in addition to acknowledgements being sent by the site, I’m redirecting my email.
And, likely the same person, the humorless, completely insincere douchebag who posted on the Comedy Studio site about a pool as to when I would come back east, as well as his pussy anonymous sidekick. (You know, the loser who’s too sensitive to discuss his debts.)
My apologies to hbeeinc.com and reverendtim.com. At separate times I defended that wanker. I guess I should have figured it out somewhere around the time he kept defending Joplin, even after Joplin had already apologized to me.
I can’t even remember one reason I ever wanted so badly to be part of the Comedy Studio “family.” It’s probably no coincidence that the people most nasty about my moving and the reasons for it are the ones with the dimmest futures (if future is measured by success and well-adjusted living, rather than, say, mastery of bitterness.)