I really should be sleeping. Honestly, I’m torn. Writing or sleeping? And, then, of course, there is masturbation. That has a certain allure. (And, yeah, I know, my keeping a ‘blog may be masturbatory enough.)
Having a few epiphanies about my job, my life, my relationship, comedy, writing and all of the ball of shit I got going on here. Here’s the big epiphany, and it’s actually lame and pretty far from astute, but if I live it, I imagine possibilities. Anyway, it’s that no one is really any more further along then I am. In some ways, I have a remarkable knack for keeping myself on the fringe of straight up definition. In high school I was in the accelerated classes, but I skipped and got high with more middling students. The straight and narrow “good” students, thought I was a burnout, the burnouts thought I was a Bomar.
(So I typed Bomar instinctively in some sort of wayback machine in my head, because that was the word back then. But, really, I don’t know from what reservoir it came and the second I typed it, I had to look it up, because it certainly ain’t common now. It’s pretty damn funny and anachronistic that the smart kids were named after a fucking calculator. A four function calculator; my phone has that built into it. What am I goddamn dinosaur?)
Anyway, at work, as an adult, I’m still on the edge of in and out, in the same way I was with the burnouts and the Bomars. I’m in on a ton of
“senior management” meetings, which is essentially a higher level of middle management, and I get to converse now and again with the actual leaders, but I don’t have the rank and title of the other players. I also have a rep for cracking jokes and speaking up (and generally lively-ing up some dry as a vermouth-less martini meetings), and I occassionally clown around with the support staff, some of whom just figure I’m another kind of admin assistant, but not really. Same as in high school, not quite in with the managers or the secretaries.
And, so it is in comedy. I’m not in the shows of the folks I like or respect, but many of those folks certainly talk with me like I belong and am a peer. I spend my nights at the open mikes where anyone can get up, but I’m in a different place than a lot of the other open mikers.
Burnouts/Bomar; Managers/Support Staff; Comics/Open Mikers — It’s all the fucking same, and I stay between not fully in one or the other. Why?
Partially commitment. You know, you might miss a party on the other side, afterall, and half the time I can decide which group is more appealing.
But the bigger part is probably goddamn, fucking, irrational, pathetic, frustrating insecurity. That nagging feeling that I don’t really belong in whichever you perceive as the upper eschelon.
And, the epiphany? Because, I know, a little getting to the point is more than fucking in order right about now. The epiphany is every fucking walking entity to one degree or another is worrying about the same shit in their own unique way. The difference is all in how they front it and what happens when it all comes together.
So, at this moment, which will no doubt pass, I am just as fucking funny as any other comedian, I am as loveable as any other lover and for Christ’s sake I am manager enough to know that I would never have fucked up the whole entire shooting match with the wretchedness of DEMONware. (The careful reader may note that in this little self-affirming paragraph no mention was made of intelligience, although the whole thing started with the smart kids in high school. That is because the one shred my ego holds onto (with the clamped jaws of a pitbull) is that I am alright on the stupid scale, maybe even most people might think I’m a click or two above the median. You know what I figure the trade-off is on that hubris — enough comprehension of the world to really wallow in good old self-doubt. To be aware inside my brain wiring is to have a little bit of a problem with finding shit to deprecate.)
I hope “shit to deprecate” is the lowest I go in word play.
OK I wrote, now to sleep or wank.