It’s been crazy busy at work today, but not the kind of crazy busy that has me whetting my blade for a stabbing fest, which is good.
OK, there was one moment of doubt, in which my hand slowly began to reach for my shiv, so the cutting could begin… You see, for the DEMONware joy to commence, they must shut down all financial operations for two weeks (at least). Yeah, ’cause, you know, in any institution, it’s not like you need money to buy stuff or to do stuff. Anyway, there can be no purchasing through the Purchasing arm of Materials Management while the conversion converts stuff. Of course, in the moments before the shopping blackout is announced, not one but three people must immediately prepare for immense surveying of the U.S. population. Therefore, I must acquire 3,000 envelopes with our company logo.
I am a good administrator. I am a soldier in the force. I am the cog that helps the machine to help mankind. I order 3,000 10×13 logo envelopes, and, LaFayette, they have arrived.
So, I get a whiny email from a project manager, who regardless of the task seems predisposed to believe, I, the clever auteur herself, and our office administrator will not have the collective brain power to muddle through and get her what she needs. I will forego commenting on what I think of her collective brain power.
So, this paragon of research excellence, this anointed woman and possessor of the omnipotent “Master’s” degree, since she is surely the master of me and the other administrator staff, writes an email to whit, she is down to her last envelope. Egads, whatever will she do, and with the office administrator out sick, it is a crisis. A crisis, I say.
Yeah, except for one thing, did you see that huge fucking pile of boxes at the administrator’s desk by any chance? Do you think it’s a wild coincidence that we told everyone we would order all supplies for the next month NOW, before the blackout occurs. I’m sure, given the proximity of the pile of boxes to the door, that they could not have escaped your keen eye. The eye of an eagle, the eye of a Master’s degree holder. Further, did you notice one of the largest boxes was marked — “Look HERE. HERE LIE A SHITLOAD OF ENVELOPES” or something to that effect? Did you see that?
Yeah, I got your envelopes right here, bitch.
I’ll leave out the ensuing Abbott and Costello routine when I told her to “help herself” and explained “I allotted 1,000 to her project,” and she told me she was “taking 200,” and I said “you have 1,000″ and she said, w”hat do you want me to not take these 200?” and I said “no, you have 1,000” and she said, “should I take them all?” and I focused on that place below the curve of her ribcage where the stabbing would reach the soft organ tissue.
Politely I ended it with please, just let us know what you take, since when the other administrator is in, we are going to doublecheck whether we got everything, for fuck’s sake.