Catholic guilt

I was just thinking I should cut John Paul II a little slack for staying in bed today, instead of going to mass.

It’s not a Holy Day of Obligation. I just remembered that when I saw that some poor, I hope not looking to get reacquainted with their faith, soul searched “catholic days of obligation” and got this site.

Last year I, unfortunately for that person, wrote about the non-obligatory status of ashes.

You do gotta give the RCs credit for creativity. Red hats, guys in gowns, special goblets (and goblet-wiping gear), funky collars and convincing people to walk around with smudges on their faces.

2 thoughts on “Catholic guilt

  1. Rev. Tim

    You’re brutal, D. The guy has PARKINSONS disease, and you give him shit for staying in bed. I also don’t think he’s as conservative, Catholic-wise, as you think he is. The world could do a lot worse.

  2. Dee-Rob

    I’ll give him credit for traveling more of the world, encouraging less shitting on the poor and being buddies with Bono.

    BUT, when it comes to sex and gender issues, especially in regard to locking down any of the reforms that seemed possible in the wake of Vatican II, like the ordination of women and forgiveness of homosexuality, forget about it. He’s as conservative as he could possibly be.

    I also think if the focus on the church is one of a world agenda (which is how they can stay above the fray of US political issues), I think JP II should have been firing US cardinals and bishops left and right. Cardinal Law was complicit by his silence in every horrible thing done by Shandley, and the pope called him home to the Vatican instead of taking him out into the woodshed and demanding his defrocking.

    And, the cardinals and bishops here who urged voting for Bush, because Kerry is pro-choice, should have been censured. Not only for stepping outside their boundaries, given that the last time I checked the forgiveness of Kerry’s actions is not for those on earth to decide, but because they were promoting a guy with one of the most abysmal track records in US history for capital punishment.

    The Vatican is boss to the whole church, and I hold him personally responsible for regressive attitudes toward women and gays and the horrible, untenably religious stance of the so-called faithful within Operation Rescue and the like.

    Besides, Ash Wednesday has always been the funniest of fun RC traditions for me. Even as a kid I loved spotting ashes on faces.


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