C'est Rire

Yup, it is to laugh. It is hard to be truly miserable over my problems du jour, because quite simply they are too fucking funny.

Today, on a gorgeous Saturday, the day before July 4, I drove over to the psychologist’s and took a little personality inventory. I’m guessing I scored, hmmm, how do I put this? Yeah, right, NORMAL. I didn’t answer true to the shit about hallucinating and wearing tinfoil hats and talking with the animals while envisioning Our Blessed Mother, and I didn’t answer false to the tricky ones, like “I never right stuff in my ‘blog that may be misunderstood.” Of course, though, there were some ones where I will sound borderline paranoid (actually downright paranoid). “Do you think someone is out to get you?” Why YES, yes I do, else why would I be in this office? And, “Do you think people are talking about you?” NO, not at all, it’s a mere coincidence that 30 individual work-related computers have looked around dee-rob.com. Probably just all felt like reading some wonderful prose all at the same time, independently fired up their work computers and came here. Couldn’t be ’cause folks is talking about little old me.

After getting my head shrunk, which took the form of a perfectly lovely conversation with a nice, considerate man, I headed to the beach. Good god is Crane’s beach beautiful. I walked the trails, listened to the continually random iPod, rested in the sun and dove into some frigid Atlantic waters, which were as smooth as the whetted edge of a balanced cleaver. Saw some plovers that nest there and footprints of wildlife in the sand.

Perhaps when all is said and done, I’ll write a thank you note to the seriously humor-impaired person or persons who claim I am at risk of workplace violence. Afterall, a little free time in the midst of summer sure helps you to remember what’s important on this little party planet. Hell, like the psychologist said, I have a great support network. Who needs a job, when they are in touch with what’s vital to survive?

Talk with me. Please.

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