Change for change's sake?

Nah, not really. I fixed some stuff in the backend, behind the curtain, leading to some cool shit, like being able to throw photos up easier. Of course, fixing a little thing, meant looking at the thing next to it and declaring it shit. Looking some more, blah fucking blah, until my eyes are crossed, my back is sore, my relationship has gone to shit, a victim of my obsession, and if I had a dog, it would go unwalked.

But, it’s getting closer to something.

For now, I’ve slipped on one of my self-imposed website rules, but that will likely change. This layout of the columns and the colors are more somebody else’s idea than my own design. The rule being that everything here is the product of dee-rob’s brain.

The banner is all mine. And the content, of course.

Other than that, check out the shows that I got off my ass (and just stayed on my ass for a couple) to get on. Yup, live and in person and likely with just boring, babbling unamusing shit about web sites. Really not funny. Yay me.

There might be a few more changes. Or not. I’ll miss this picture, mostly for the largest cross erected in the Western Hemisphere, like seeing Jesus pass me by on the road.



Other banner contenders:



3 thoughts on “Change for change's sake?

  1. Daev see its spelt wrong

    I happan to like the changes, yank tits facemask johnson blur.

    regading my sexaully, im just as god made me. no more no less merican cusiin. Bean bean bean bean bean bean bean bean bean bean bean carrottop.


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