
I’m trying hard to fight neuroses at the moment. We just bought a couple of tix to travel east, very far east, like what Pat might have called the Orient. Not to be confused with Orient Heights, which Pat may have had “carfare” to visit.

Yeah, so not my New England home for the holidays, and not my holidays, since the trip will coincide with Chinese New Year and the visit will be to M.’s own kin. You’d think that would be why the knots are mounting and mounding in my gut.

Nope, that would be normal people angst, not the crazy, inexplicable, neurotic irrational shit I seem to favor. I’m all aflutter over the idea of taking a normal vacation. What the fuck, man? I am so pre-conditioned by my last gig, where they constantly acted like it would be impossible for me to leave for days on end (of course, that changed when they asked me to leave for days on end and were shocked when I just left). Anyway, I felt a bit of a throat clear lump of stress whilst emailing the new boss, even though she’s told me it’s cool and is herself never there.

For fuck’s sake, I work in Silicon Valley. Everyone is wired. There are CrackBerry addicts everywhere unable to step away from email or mobile phoning for sure. But, they are work hard/play hard folks who fucking leave town. A lot.

If that atmosphere weren’t enough, I fucking am very much a glorified secretary. ‘Course with charm oozing from my orifices and the kind of stellar intellect that has gotten me into successively less responsible gigs over a 15+ year career trajectory (OK, I admit for a bit the trajectory arced the usual up), they got me doing a wee bit more. But, still and all, they will survive and survive well and surely without my service.

Fuck, I can’t even take a week’s vacation and relax thinking about it.

I need to learn how to breathe.

3 thoughts on “Clenched

  1. dave

    breath thats easy
    open mouth suck in air wait and blow out
    thaTS THE TROUBLE WIT u mericans we have to teach you everything
    FFS we gave you indipendance do try to tink for yourselves now and then and stop fighting with the natives abroad
    it makes you look realy silly
    tother than that nice blog
    all my coments are tinged in irony oh sorry your merican you dont do irony

  2. Dee-Rob

    Aw, come on, Dave,

    You brits don’t have a corner on irony. I get it just fine. Even use it myself some times.

    (Now, in the US, it’s California that has no ironic sensibilities. The East Coast could take the piss out of ya for sure.)


  3. dave

    aww i love you already
    smart sassy merican wit irony
    so you do stand up
    does that mean you’r well balanced chip on both shoulders type well balanced
    me i am so laid back im horizontal

    still its a nice blog and i look forward to ripping the mick out of it and i know you will respond in kind
    cant beat a bit o banter


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