Clicking like a tumbler

Fucking A, man, shit is falling into place despite the chaos residing in my head.

M. called with a confirmation on a 1600+ square foot house in San Jose. So’s it looks like mama’s got a new address.

I’m selling shit left and right thanks to Craig’s List.

And, the city has already mounted the “Hey, you can’t park here on Friday, ‘cuz Dee-Rob is getting the hell out of Dodge” signage. I didn’t even notice until the old man nextdoor (and star of a few blog entries and some stand-up bits) asked me where my upstairs neighbor was moving.

Told him it was me, and I got a great, big “I’ll miss you,” followed by a less intelligible interrogation about how I could be leaving. Ahh, neighbors. (When I told him it was because of the nice guy with the long hair he likes who visits, he seemed pretty happy.)

Now, if I can make it through tomorrow night’s show without bursting into tears (which I am absolutely positive is an agenda item for a few folks), I’ll be cool. (OK, and if I can make it through the movers coming and my own driving and a fucking hundred other obstacles, I’ll be cool.)

Talk with me. Please.

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