Coda for Crackberry

One beautiful thing about living on the leftist coast is when CNN re-runs the SOTU, you can catch it without staying up too late. So, you get the NPR newsjunkie radio report in the car, the post-game on MSNBC and CNN, and then get to watch it.

That way, you get nuance. Nuance like Cheney’s tie is a study in TV/Film 101 no-nos. Some patterns vibrate on the old persistence of vision TV screen.

And, yeah, why does Condi look so damn pissed off? Hasn’t cracked one little, wee, slight smile and shown any of her signature gapped enamel.

I love the subway diving hero guy. Not least because his kid was chilling out and napping as the president was announcing him.

Mostly, and maybe I caught this ‘cuz I work in a place that’s wired and gadgeted and not far from the Capitol Hill vibe spiritually (and practically), I dug the navel gazing. But, it’s modern age, new millenium techno gazing, not simple staring. Nope, no doubt that downward stare into many senatorial and congressional laps was a stare I have seen in many a meeting — Playing with a Blackberry device. I gotta believe Teddy K. is a Crackberry addict and not that enamored of his own crotch vicinity.

Talk with me. Please.

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