Cold in my nose

Took today off, apart from doing the work at home thang and checking out a restaurant for a meeting. I just have a cold, but I was trying to fine tune my inner hypocrite.

All week I’ve been sitting next to sneezes, coughs and various sounds of phlegm noises among my little cubicle hell. My simmering wish to avoid airborne germs had me tooth grinding with each sniffle. I figured, now that I was the diseased and inflicted it was my moral obligation to stay home.

My heading down to Palo Alto made me think about this thing I have with M. that we call a relationship. What does it say about me that whenever I am without him, I eat those things towards which he does not gravitate? It’s like a liberation act. Although, that might suggest captivity.

The falafel of freedom.

The true glory of the time out of the office is a chance to do my taxes. Whoo hoo. Loves me some tax-paying.

Talk with me. Please.

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