Come out wherever you are

MEANWHILE, COME ON DOWN TO THE COMEDY STUDIO at 8 p.m. Sunday night, August 1, 2004. Looks to be a good show, including the one and only intrepid writer and infamous ‘blogger, the Studio’s August “comic in residence”, newcomer Eskunder Boyd, delightful Dot Dwyer, I think newcomer Shane Mauss, wish I knew more Aaron Shepard, much-lauded up-and-comer Abe Smith, talented Travis Tack, wry and dry Gregg Thibodeau and featuring Heidi Foss, a TV writer, producer and stand-up from Canada, aboout whom I have heard raves.

So far, the only thing I know about my set is that I will not be thinking about, let alone discussing any elephants, in the wild or in the room or eleswise. No elephants.

Talk with me. Please.

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