Comedy Plug, the second

A shoutout (yeah, I’m a fucking lame, middle-aged, white woman trying to pull off “giving a shoutout”), anyway, a howdy to the folks at the Somerville News.

I finally did a show at Toast in Somerville on the News-sponsored Friday night. It was fun to do, and they write about it, so nothing bad to report. (Rare for any comedy venue.)

I was curious to see what they’d write, since on a good day I ain’t really selling what is publishable in a family paper. That night I was feeling saucy, and language-wise and topic-wise I think I may have achieved a slightly deeper shade of blue. In all, they actually direct quoted only two words of an actual joke, leading me to believe that discussion of my vagina may not be newsprint fodder.

Oh, and I ain’t no pessimist. I’m a realist.

Talk with me. Please.

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