Computers suck

The post below, the one with clams in it, was supposed to be sent last night. But, I learned something new instead.

An apostrophe in your subject line fucks the mind of your computer. One apostrophe. Dumb computers. A simple “It’s” and it’s fucked.

I’m smarter than that. It takes two apostrophes to slow me down.

Here’s the restaurant we visited. It’s called “Old Port” just like the ‘hood in Portland, ME. There’s nautical charts of Maine’s islands on the wall and picnic tables. But, you know you ain’t in Maine, because everything is lacquered and California-cute and clean looking.

Aw well. The clams were good. They said it was a particularly tasty batch.


One thought on “Computers suck

  1. dotdwyer

    I’m glad you finally got something close. It’s a long way to go for the Summer Shack. However , there’s a new Kelly’s on 28 where the Krispy Kreme used to be, in case you make the trip soon !


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