While thinking about traveling, I thought about the family for whom I was an au pair essentially in London. It was roughly 1,000 years ago. A thousand years ago Google hadn’t been invented and cyberstalking was impossible.
But here, today, in 2009, I can websearch to beat the band and find a whole lot of folks. I’ve connected with or kept in touch with all sorts of folks from all sorts of periods of my life. I’ve also blocked emails through filtering tools to make sure I never hear from one person again.
Imagine my shock when in a fit of nostalgia I searched the very British (to me) names of the little girls I babysat. They all look to be doing great, and one of them is famous in England. When I found this article from the Daily Mail, I realized it would be too fucking crazy X-Files if all the names matched so well, and it’s not the same family.
I emailed the one associated address I could find. Somewhere in the UK, some one is either getting a nice chuckle of memory or is completely creeped out and ready to change that email address. I hope it’s the former.
shame on you reading the daily mail
the most bigoted paper in the UK
full of olier than thou attitude
Oh, sure, DVAE. Not to mention reading anything British, really.
But, have you ever heard of Camilla Rutherford? Her family hired me (well gave me food and a room), a real live American to sit on their babies. How posh to have an American servant.