Here’s a link I was sent in a fairly evil spoof of eBay.
The email said my eBay account was suspended for inappropriate activity (alarm #1, since I’ve only ever sold a box of Pez dispensers and followed the rules) and needed to log in to fix it. It was also sufficiently fucked up so that three different mail readers didn’t correctly show it’s HTML content, and it saved as RTF not HTML (alarm #2, because I’m pretty sure that eBay knows how to send HTML emails, based on ads and whatnot I have gotten).
Fortunately helping from even having to be slightly alert it was sent to a generic email address at my site, rather than the one I used for eBay (or use for Craig’s List or basically use for anything semi-public and spammable) (alarm #3).
I doubt I ever would have included my mother’s maiden name even if eBay had ever requested it. Sheesh. Criminals are tricky.