Daring to dream

I couldn’t sort out my feelings yesterday over Harriet Miers.

On the one hand, when she was nominated I loathed the cronyism and suspected her only qualification was taking GW’s secret to her lawyer’s grave. However, there was the chance that she would be more moderate than at first blush. Now, my happy dance of her withdrawal is marred by the thought the pressure came from seriously whacked hard-core right wingers who will not rest until every sperm and egg in the universe are given a chance to grow up and live in FEMA constructed trailer parks.

Meaning, Bush will do fucking anything to bend to that corner of the lunatic fringe. Oy.

Today, however, I rise to sunnier times and downright optimism. Poor little “Scooter” got caught.

The one glimmer of a brighter future that sustained me through the sad spectacle of the ’04 election ran in my head as, “Nixon got his second term, but then there was Watergate.” Surely, I hoped the lying, incompetent weasel of a second-term president, George Walker Bush, had that kind of malfeasance lurking in his power corridors. Hubris among the powerful being what it is, it was only a matter of time for things to unravel.

That was my dream and today I feel a dream coming true.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, motherfuckers.

The best headline had been on the NY Times online a little bit ago: “Prosecutor to Speak Soon; No Indictment for Rove Today.” I was digging the “today” aspect. As in, Karl Rove hasn’t gotten his turn yet.

If Karl Rove resigns this week and/or is indicted I may start believing in an intelligient designer.

Talk with me. Please.

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