Does anyone fall for this?

Here’s an email I got today:

Dear Online-Citibank Clients,

This message was sent by the Citicard serevrs to veerify your e-mail
addres. You must clempote this pecsros by clicking on the link
below and enteering in the smmall window your Citi-Bank Debit
full Card nummber and PiN that you use on Atm.
This is done for your perctotion -T- becourse some of our memmbers no
lengor have acescs to their email adsersdes and we must verify it.

To veerify your e-mail adress and akcess your OnlineCitibank account, klick on
the link beloow. If ntohing happnes when you clik on the link -K copye
and paste the link into the addres bar of your web browser.

Thank you for using Citbiank!

This automatic email snet to:
Do not rpely to this email.


The first tip off that this might be a scam – I’m not a Citibank customer. Apart from that, though, it comes from a computer world without spell check. I’m thinking the major banking institutes know about spell check.

What I can’t figure out is why does the link actually bring you to Citibank? If it’s a scam, it’s kind of conscientious.

Talk with me. Please.

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