Likely to be Nick-less today. He keeps threatening to paint what has become my bathroom, but he doesn’t want to do it if there’s been rain.
Today is the first day in a really long while that I slept in by myself for a while. I was still up by 10 a.m., because that would be the crack of 1 p.m. backeast, and my circadian rhythms are hella fucked up. I’m damn near narcoleptic in the evenings (where I once was insomniacal.)
Probably not coincidentally, because I have the unfortunate tendency toward introspection and self-reflection (to a completely narcissistic degree, it;s the first day I’ve felt a tad lonely. It’s not real good, self-indulgent loneliness. It’s more like a pinch, a soupcon of lonely. (Really nothing to write home about (or post here about, yet I am compelled).)
I think the solution is to, I don’t know, get myself a regular grown-up life. Get out, get a JOB, check out some comedy places. Playing house is fun and all, but one needs a life.
(Honest to fucking god, I don’t know how stay at home types do it. Although, I guess different strokes, different folks. I’ll go absolutely batshit if I don’t get out there in the world.)
Part of it is I’ll need to make some West Coast friends of my own.
But, I was thinking it’s not so much friends I’m missing, it’s adversaries to hate. I’ve tried hating these folks. (And, as god is my witness, there is a lot to fucking hate.)
However, distance and lack of contact really does mellow you the fuck out. I had planned on writing about the guy who is the single most passive-aggressive human I have ever met in my life and who envisions himself a comedy impresario. But, a few months back I realized how little his very tiny corner of the planet has an impact on my life, and what with being so far away, I just don’t care.
I figure he’s a pretty sad guy. (He is positively encyclopedic in his knowledge and, I think, love of comedy and comedians, but one on one he seems to truly hate comics.) Could you imagine your passion, your love bringing you so much pain that you regularly punch walls in public and cry about your heartache to anyone who will listen?
Soon enough, though, I will have fresh sources of righteous indignation, no doubt. I plan on checking out SF open mikes, so that will help bridge the hate gap in short order, I suspect.
And, I’m considering doing a temping stint for employment. Temping has always been good to me, providing opportunities for real employment and cautionary tales of what not to become. I have no doubt at all that a couple of chaotic temp gigs later, and my lust for controversy and provocation will be sated.