I’m leaving the post below as is, even with the appalling random letters.
After doing a show, hanging out a bit with the family, stopping off to check in at the end of another late show, getting hugged by a comic who generally tells me to “fuck off” and having a longish talk with my favorite M., I was pretty dead tired. But, I tried posting anyway, and literally dozed off at the keys. The extra or wrong letters are my numb, sleepy fists hammering at the keyboard randomly, as drool trickled down my chin.
Now, I am embarking on a tension ridden game of beat the clock. I have thoroughly trashed my place, pulling everything out so that it will be removed, either by yardsale or charity. I have to make enough order out of chaos in the next 24 or so hours to make M.’s return comfortable. In that same time period, I have to get something minor fixed on my car, go on an annual ‘girls night out’ type dinner, do laundry, buy at least a few groceries, fix my desktop ‘puter’s OS, and help someone doctor a picture with Photoshop.
Egads, unemployment is more taxing than one would think.