As though my ego believes there could ever be enough about me. Nonetheless, gotta spread a little love, as the kids say.
They likely won’t ever see it, but big thanks to the chicks who performed in our little show tonight. Rock on, you talented, unique-voiced motherfuckers. Seriously, though, the kind of differences shown by each woman makes me hate even more the generic, generalizing bullshit of people talking about “female comedy” and “women comics suck” and “women are like this…” blah fucking blah. Just blow me already.
Thanks to Alana Devich, Betsy Salkind, Christine Gelat and Aundre the Wonderwoman out there in the cyber-ether.
By the way, I’m pretty sure if I were still in Boston, it would be a cold day in hell before that particular swirl of race, creed, color, gender, sexual orientation and physical abilities ever would have fucking seen the light of day in a place that has “comedy” in the club’s name. No fucking way.
ooooooo dear we are bitter n twisted
now here in good old england some our finest comediens are women
dawn french jennifer saunders julie walters thora hurd giants all and mostly modest with it and who did you pull out ruby wax and joan rivers
and we dont rate your american stand ups at all its all motherfuck this and fuck that where is the sublty where is the finess ive only ever seen your web casts so i wont comment on your live show till i can but what ive seen is funny you need to get a bit quirky to widen your apeal but WTF who am i to judge i saw a band called fat drunk n stupid a couple of weeks ago and reviewed em as a 9/10
but they entertained a crowd for an Hr and had the whole place rocking after the first set its that fickle personality thing just a tweak here a tweak there makes all the difference
so XXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxx ftwb
oh and it seems you mericans are looking to elect a moron as the next president or was that a mormon
maybe you already did moron that is not morman bloody glad im not living there
That’s two of us, Dave.
I ain’t bitter, Dave, at least not this time. I was happy to have a good COMEDY show. Gender doesn’t figure in, you dig, when the performers are just all interesting and funny.
As for your assessment of American comedy — TV you get ain’t anything like a real picture. Just like we only see Ab Fab and not everything else Saunders and French have done.
I say fuck about the same frequency as I say it in real life and pretty much everything I say on stage is how I sound. None of the bullshit angry posing you seem to think is American comedy.
As for women, whatever, Dave. You just fucking proved my point by being clueless about a whole lot of women doing funny shit. If you want to talk superstar American women, I don’t know why you would pull out Ruby fucking Wax. She’s not famous here; she left and did shit over there. If you were going to pull out mildly obscure and funny Americans who have been on British TV, you should have gone with Mo Gaffney. The Kathy and Mo show with Kathy Najimy rocked.
And, if you want to pull out Joan Rivers as your only source, I guess you haven’t heard of Roseanne or Ellen or even loudmouth Rosie O’Donnell.
Thanks for at least letting me know you got a bit of funny out of my stuff.
By the way, you would understand a certain amount of feminine bitterness and ire, if you had been to as many comedy shows as me. Better yet, if you had ever been introduced or seen friends introduced as the “Next person coming to the stage is female… But, she’s funny.”
By the way, Freem, good one. I think I agree on Dave.
Do I know you?
And why do you ask?
well Dee i dont do TV that much so yes ive heard of the Rosannes el al but ive not watched them thats not to say they aint funny its just me being me
but i do frequent the comedy clubs in Bristol and the male to female ratio is 95/5
and yup i have heard here she is dont boo she’s a laugh comment and ive seen the mc get belted for the crack as well i admire your art \craft whatever you want to call it but funny is funny whatever gender and its all about dropping the unexpected bomb and timing
I like the put down pithy i thought and thought provoking
Freem, just curious and naturally inquisitive. Although, your sense of humor (or your sense of Dave, depending on how you look at it) seems familiar.
Dave, what the fuck? You’re lecturing me on it’s just about being funny, but you are saying you’ve seen what I’m saying. Getting up on stage to make people laugh ain’t easy and it takes a certain kind of crazy courage. But, you throw in the gender thang, you know ‘cuz 95% are men, and handicap women with preconceived notions about what they say or how they are funny? It just isn’t simple like you seem to want to believe.
What the fuck do I know, right, though? I’m another humorless chick.
i was just mearly pointing out the fact that theres a sodding shed load of unfunny guys compared to a few girls on the comedy scene you do bite nicely tho
its nice to hit a nerve now n then it shows passion and passion always works
Dang. You have good observational skills. If you were a Superhero, that maybe would be one of your powers. Mine unfortunetly would be annoying people. Gotta go with your strengths. My kryptonite would be work or simple work related tasks.
Anyway you’re very astute (big word for me.), I am from Boston and it seems we all have a simular sense of humor out here. Comes from being surrounded by uptight Puritans is my guess.
I’ve never seen your stand up, but perhaps we’ve met.
What the fuck are you talking about?