At the end of the year, y’all supposed to look back and thing deep thoughts and shit. There was stuff good and bad, but on balance good about the year. I really miss the unemployment checks I started the year cashing.
On the ranty, bullshit at the world front, I still got GWB for a bit to keep me warm. Unfortunately, 2005 didn’t bring the early crash and burn for which I yearn. But, as this year ends, I tell myself he can still fuck up his second term.
My mantra, think Nixon in ’72, gone by ’74.
On the personal front, both Cingular and UPS reminded me how suckass, shitty bad customer service can be. Thanks, boys and girls, I fucking hate you and resolve in the new year to limit any involvement with either of your fine corporations.
On the even, personaler front, I also resolve to limit time in 2006 with a buddy of M. Maybe he’s semi-retarded, autistic, suffering from Asberger’s or simply socially inept. But, Jesus Fucking H. Christ, I’d rather be punched in the face repeatedly than ever get sucked into another uninformed, narrow, inexperienced, cheap, miserly, myopic, painful discussion with this man-boy. I just can’t get past the desire to swallow a bullet at maximum velocity every time this maroon opens his mouth.
Sorry, dude, life is too fucking short and I’d like to suck a bit o’ joy out of what’s left.
A couple paragraphs or few on my gripes, yeah that’s about right to end the year. For the high points, I’ll spare a couple of phrases and sentences. There’s M., of course, and the big move West. There’s my j.o.b., where it looks like my bad mojo has been lain far behind me in worker bee land. And, there is the sweet sounds of 120 channels beamed from out-of-space to my own radio. My sweet Santa bought me the one gadget on the cutting edge of tech I hadn’t yet acquired.
So, yeah, old one out, new one in. Bring it on.