Fanana-nana fo fanna

My place of work is seriously, surreally fucked up. I swear to fucking god, it’s some huge experiment and all of my co-workers are from central casting.

Today’s episode of is it an office or is it a sitcom: I’m sitting at my desk, working like, don’t you know. Bear in mind, everyone is surrounded by glass and wood, so you gots yourself some serious sightlines. (I mean “sightlines” like seeing, not like rifle scope.) With all that glass there aren’t a lot of surprise visits.

Yet, I was surprised. Surprised by a dude in a banana suit handing out, um, ahh, bananas, of course. I don’t know if he paused when he got to the office with the poster of condoms on the door.

3 thoughts on “Fanana-nana fo fanna

  1. Freemblap

    Whatever happened to being abstract. Couldn’t he have at least been passing out donuts?

    Stumbling drunkedly through P-town one summer in the glorious 80’s, I came upon a guy dressed as a rabbit (a fairly creepy looking one at that) buck teeth, carrot, the whole thing. He was sitting on a lawn chair casually advertising a restaurant with a very unenthusiastic delivery. Odd.

    Anyway, banana boy is definetley a strange thing to see in the office. He should bring in a tee-pee and keep the bananas in there. He can walk in and out every time someone wants one.

    Har har.

    It’s good Friday, so I’m surpised the Catholics here in Boston don’t have Jesus walking into offices selling fish.

    I went to Fenway about 10 years ago on Good Friday and they weren’t selling beer.

    A reasonably close re-enactment:

    Me “What?!”
    Him “It’s Good Friday.”
    “So what?”
    “So we don’t sell beer because it’s Good Friday and you’re not supposed to drink.”
    “So don’t drink. I’m not Catholic. Don’t think for me. I can’t believe you’re not selling beer.”
    “Are you a wise ass?”
    “I could be with a friggin’ beer or two.”
    “Enjoy the game.”

    Maybe them Jews killed Christ because he was too uptight.

  2. dotdwyer

    According to recent breaking news, the Jews killed Christ because he told them to. Maybe he would have lived if his Father in Heaven had given him a banana suit to wear. Though. . . .if he rose again . . . as a Banana. . .well. .. I think I would have a completely different spiritual orientation. . Cause , you know, when bananas go bad. . . they get mushy. . . like my last boy friend !!!!! Folks !!!!I’m hear all minute !!!!Thank you !


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