Sorry for the title, it’s unworthy of HST this week, albeit accurate to my emotional state.
I’m at least plowing through some mental and/or housekeeping shit in order to embark on my great adventure.
I just got off the phone with VW service, where I’ll drop a couple of bucks to get a complete tune-up and all my fluids topped (I love that visual; I could use my own fluids topped on a regular basis.) I also joined AAA, which is incredibly belts and suspenders, since my VW came with some roadside assistance. But, I also ordered one of their famous “Triptiks,” for America’s highways.
Made sure to tell them I wanna see Santa Fe, NM and Arizona and the Grand Canyon. By the way, if anyone I know who lived in Santa Fe has recommendations on sights, sounds and food, I’m all ears. (Though, I won’t be picking fungus off cow patties no matter how good you say that shit is.)
I’m also trying to figure out what I’m doing performance-wise in the next couple weeks (or less, gulp). Nothing like the perversity of comedy karma to kick in the minute you plan on leaving.
I got two unexpected invites for shows this week, which almost never happens. One of them was even from someone whose email I didn’t have, so I couldn’t invite her to my various exiting galas, and she said she had to ask around to get mine for the show. I ain’t never been so popular as when I announced I was out of here.
Other than that, my mantra is “Think Different.” Among my Silicon Valley relocation fantasies would be to work over at Steve Jobs “house.” Although, I gotta say every time I think of the “think different” slogan, it grates a bit. Even though I realize that the phrase can be read two ways, my ear waits for the “-ly” to correctly form an adverbial phrase. Yeah, I’m an annoying grammar douche.
Meanwhile, Apple is running this picture series on their website:
Seeing the series together like that, I may have to work toward completing my set, which doesn’t go all the way to the right, yet.