I’ve been polishing the resume and sending it off a few places. It’s got me thinking about next steps and all.
One of the things I’m dealing with inside my tiny melon is the residual anger I still feel about my last break up, as it were. I have all sorts of rational things I can talk about for the future and all, and I’m pretty confident that I’m a balanced human being stepping into a new adventure. I’m looking forward (believe it or not) about getting me some employment and trying out new things.
However, would it be wrong to bring up some shit talk in the interview? I’m just dying to mention, for example, that my last leader continually referred to “my people” and things like drinking and my working class roots.
I wouldn’t mind, I suppose, if I actually had working class roots. But, in truth, with both my parents’ having college degrees, my mom being a teacher and all, her father having a law degree and of all her degreed siblings, including one with a Ph.D. and another a J.D., it was kind of irksome.
I can’t imagine why I wasn’t comfortable going along with the Ivy League program. Of course, with my family history of living in Boston and being descended from folks with leprechaun-esque accents, I would be uneducated and poor and working class. Except for this being the goddamn 21st century not a scene out of Gangs of New York.
I think she was disappointed my dad didn’t have a cute nickname like “Whitey” or “The Butcher.” I guess Earl, the accountant, didn’t live up to the stereotype.
So, can I talk about that?