Apart from marvelling at the emergency preparedness kit, my occupying
thought is the job itself and how I’m having deja vu all over again,
all over the place.
I’m trying very hard to remember that most of the political thickets
arose in the final years/months of my past employment, but at the
outset it was all fucking hunky dory.
I’m also trying to remind myself that my continuum has been
increasingly less responsibility for "the man" and greater
responsibility for myself. To that end, this job is far less rigorous
than my last one, and until they threw mountainous piles of
responsibility on me, that last job was less rigourous than the one
Basically, I believe I can answer phones, schedule appointments and
make travel arrangements. (The fact that I believe anyone with
opposable thumbs can do those things as well is immaterial.) Ergo,
quirks and weird vibes of deja vu aside, I should be able to enjoy the
free coffee and soda for awhile. (Free Diet Dr. Pepper,