Feeling photo essay (ish)

Last weekend we checked out downtown San Jose’s “Community Giving Tree” and the Christmas in the Park display. It’s actually rather festive. A park full of Christmas trees adopted and decorated by local stores and civic shit and all. Somehow some cash goes to charity.

You know, like the giving, in the giving tree. Shel Silverstein, or anyone tunneling through the time space continuum and arriving here from the 70s, would be so goddamn proud.

Also downtown were not one but two Ferris wheels and displays and treats for the kiddies. My favorites were the thermometer showing a balmy 59 degrees and the multi-culti representation of the Old Lady in a Shoe, apparently, she was a whore who liked men of multiple hues and cultural traditions. The thing that shot “snow” in the form of blown out soap bubbles was fun. M. looked like a five-year-old seeing his first flake.

Anywho, it was so beauteous we had to get our own. M. says it’s his first.


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