Maybe my future feels bright, or maybe I’m just giddy from the teensiest weensiest bit of hope a judicial nominee who once wrote a check to the DNC gives me.
I don’t know. Or maybe it’s just sunshine and jelly beans. (Did you know the clever elves of marketing at Jelly Belly have now come out with “energy beans?” Fucking brilliant, I say. For us candy folks who see through the yuppified health chocolate of energy bars and like chewy, fruity sugar better.)
Anyway, let’s not get off tangent. I’m living in bright world. I came home to the boy-o deciding to saute up some shrimp and pasta after a marathon session with the new boss lady. I swear this job takes place in Bizarro land. They like me, they really like me, dig? OR at least, no one seems to want to send me to the principal’s office for my sharp wit and tongue. Nope, they be looking for me to take on some more reading and writing.
Funnier still, I even threatened to stab someone at work today. But, for christsakes, man, she fucking deserved it. I mean a native New Yorker bragging to the likes of me that she spent the weekend cheering on the Cleveland Indians. What kind of bullshit provocation is that?
It’s actually pretty fun to be a native of the land of the 2004 World Series Champeens, whilst living 3,000 miles away. But, them Yankee fans, some of them done moved out here too.