The big weekend event was the big recital. We went to see M.’s aunt’s husband’s high school friend’s teenage daughter. Folks from the old country who live in the relative neighborhood have a singing daughter, so we thought we’d get tickets and check out the show.
The main problem with supporting a talented child is they tend to be surrounded by the more averagely gifted. It was a big night in the big city for Asian suburbanites and their families and friends. I hadn’t been surrounded by that many non-Caucasions since, well, last week.
The big act of the night was a core crew of 15 to 20-year-old young women singing their little hearts out both in ensemble and with solos. They were supported by their sister companies, both the older “graduates” and the younger, junior high up-and-comers. If that weren’t enough there was a local high school band appearing for their 4th gig, yup numero 4 after having 3 under their belts, a crew of Asian teen rappers and an a cappella church group of quasi-adults. Oh yeah, chockfull of entertainment goodness.
Remember the rock and rollers who formed a band in your high school and with cocky, earnest bravado jumped on stage and banged away on the equipment their parents gave them? Yeah, same shit, different generation. An amp and electric guitar does not talent make.
Now, unlike back in my day, you don’t even need instruments. You can kill time and make audience ears bleed with some rhyming, rhythm and mediocre choreography. Oh yeah, thug-style.
As for the main group of girls, one could belt a tune and shake the rafters. Even though she was singing some current, pop, R&B-light shit that I hate, I almost got the goosebumps she sold her song so hard. Other than that, the girl we knew took some voice classes on a whim, because her friend had signed up, and discovered a powerful soprano. Despite a cold, she still hit the high hard ones and best of all, she can hold a tune. Thank god, she’s good.
A handful of the rest had you hoping that they get good grades. I can’t think of any sight quite so heart-wrenching as an awkward, not-yet-woman with all her heart and soul singing off key.
It was a few hours we won’t get back, but I think karma might smile on us a wee bit.
Technorati Tags: Asia, California, music, puppy, recital, singing, talent_show, Teenage, women