My new place of employ is so damned invested, I just can’t deal sometimes. It’s like I couldn’t even stab these people if I wanted to. If I did someone would just have to organize a town meeting and community fundraiser to like rehabilitate my bad ass stabbing self or something.
Today, it was free flu shots. Tomorrow, it’s a special lunch-time event to go over Governor Arnie’s special made up legislative stuff. It’s a bunch of referendums (referenda?) to which know one knows the answers. So we’re having a little edjumucation/voters hoedown.
Hard-core earnestness and doing the right thing and all.
Oddly in the disease-curing hopefuls’ world in which I used to toil, there was never this level of engagement in a better society. Fuck, those people could only stumble a bit beyond their egos to ocassionally bump into something useful. OK, maybe not all of them, but I am surprised that most cancer drugs have medicinal-sounding names instead of “Dr. Johnson’s magical elixir,” just so some asswipe doctor could see his name every day.
On top of that, the blinders to real world issues, like special elections and state referendum, were far too opaque. You know, what’s the future of the world and all when there’s hairs to split among learned colleagues and publication counts to pad?
I probably will fare a bit better at this gig over the last, and who knows maybe I’ll drop some of my workplace suspicion and skepticism. At least, I’ll keep riding the gravy train and soaking up the learning moments whilst I can.