Looks like from reading Boston comedy buddy Paul’s weblog, I ain’t the only liberal exercising some constitutional rights. Well, at least that’s what they say, “it’s about the constitution.”
I would be curious to hear what kind of jokes Paul is gonna end up writing after blasting up some targets. I tried one that got a laugh from M., but I think no one else in the room last night. Basically, it went something like this, and needs more punch and less self-indulgent, unexplained point of view:
“I celebrated Memorial Day and soldiers giving up their lives for the country by shooting up some targets of people. The thing about Libertarian, pro-gun people is they talk about security and protection. OK, one gun provides security, but if you have have enough semi-automatic weapons to outfit five shooters and that’s only half your collection, hmmm, I’m not sure I feel any safer.”
Needs work.
Meanwhile, the clock keeps ticking down to my starting work. It has been damn fucking hard to get any sympathy what with a recession, war, living in an area that went completely bust after booming, for my wanting slovenly and idle.
Instead, M.’s been telling all his friends that I got a great job and that I’ve started making inroads to perform, and everyone is all impressed and shit. It’s always a weird dynamic when you’re whining and moaning and someone’s asking you if you feel proud and happy. Sort of dampens your pity party.
And, I got to say that after performing with another Cambridge transplant last night, who also came out here to be with a significant other and who doesn’t seem to be having a ton of fun, I got nothing to complain about, really. I still want to complain, however, such is my nature.
Objectively, though, I have met a couple of comics here who I can call by name and with whom I can chat. Done a few shows, gotten told about a few more and swapped a couple of email addys. I even did a pretty decent Saturday night show last night, and a couple of people from M.’s old apartment showed up.
(Last night I even had my first awkward comedy hug moment, of which I had gathered quite a few back in my East Coast ‘hood. The dance is that I grew up in the apotheosis of a non-hugging atmosphere. Pat had a warm and firm handshake. But in comedy there’s the Hollywood meet and greet “hug hug kiss kiss” dynamic. It took me a while to smoothly hug someone hello, and I never got to the point where I wouldn’t have a taped voice running in the skull pan “OK, relax, now hug them back…” If you can imagine, here in the peace, love and granola Bay Area, it’s all heightened, so people I have known even less are all up in the hug arena. I’m working on not flinching and acting like a ‘tard.)
And, I found a job with good benefits and some name brand recognition.
And, every now and then I realize that I’m living with a man with whom I’m involved in a relation. Me, man, relatively pain-free. How bizarre is that?