Fuck you Quetchup

The other day I got a social network invite from someone I know through the comedy scene. Innocuous and common enough, right?

No. Fucking asshole, shithead, stupid, poopy brain computers. The site asked to crosscheck my address book for other members, and then proceeded to SPAM the entire list with invitations. FUCK, FUCK, FUCK.

I should have Googled the company name BEFORE joining. Always a good thing to check it out before clicking on the invite to the party. But, the spammers WANT you to trust your friends and acquaintances and NOT question an invite.

Had I searched Quetchup or Quechup, I would have seen a bunch of other victims. I would have found this site, or this blog, or this one, or this one, or this one, or this one, or this one. AAAAARRRGGGGHHH.

In short — DON’T JOIN QUECHUP. And, if you got the time and inclination, write some dirty words in an email and send to the fuckers at: legals@quechup.com and spam@quechup.com.

If I spammed you and you joined, I’m wicked sorry.

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