They say the desert is where you want to head if you suffer from seasonal allergies. Bullshit, man, bullshit. I fell asleep with an annoying, throaty tickle of a cough and woke up with a giant head of snot. A sure sign that I’ll be OD’ing on the antihistamines just to stay alive.
Of course, it could have been something in the hotel room. I’ve never been tested for allergies to the crusty seminal fluids of strangers.
As mentioned last night, in my sonambolistic writing, here’s a pic of my ditched car:
Also, for your viewing pleasure, here’s a couple of cool sights I saw yesterday. Sights that remind me I have left the Oz of the big East Coast city and am seeing things I only know from movies. Moonscapes and breath-sucking huge piles of earth growing from nothing and looming menacingly in the approaching horizon.
From El Malpais National Monument (where I hiked around a bit, but decided to heed the warnings about only spelunking with a buddy). It’s badlands of nothing but volcanic rocks and formations. I drove over the Continental Divide near there.
(By the way, all of the volcanic, plate tectonics shit reminds me I’m coming closer to a life on a fault line.)
This sandstone bluff is El Morrow National Monument. There’s a waterhole there, so basically since bodies existed in this neighborhood, they’ve stopped there. The result is an interesting collection of graffiti since nomadic native people got a drink.
Various explorers and conquistadors and settlers and whatnot were deep into tagging.