Fucking SPAM

SPAM-wise, I’m essentially taking it as a two-way gang rape.

I had to spend a lot of time upgrading my weblog, because I was getting hammered with comment SPAM. (Most of it was caught in the moderation area. Still and all, it was mighty, fucking tedious deleting pages of crap.)

Now, it turns out I’m in the cross-fire of SPAM accusations. Fucking hell.

I guess some dick somewhere in the universe of my shared hosting server has been doing a little mass-mailing. As a result, my email IP has shown up on a couple of blacklists. Any site using those lists as holy gospel and bouncing any email from the vicinity are throwing the old baby out with the bathwater and tossing the emails of yours truly.

At least I got my IP addy off of big, bad SpamCop for now. That was really fucking up a couple of things.

My conclusion over all the shit is that, apart from wasting time I don’t have, SPAM really is a metaphor for life.

The problem with an unyielding blacklist approach is you might block something good. The problem with a completely free and unfettered system, the assholes will run roughshod over everyone.

Either way, the vast majority of us who are neither tyrants with maximum control or amoral bottom feeders, end up taking it in multiple holes and just begging for mercy.

Talk with me. Please.

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